PhD and DMA students must defend their theses before the end of the 16th semester of their enrollment at Rice. Time to Thesis Submission. Candidates who successfully pass the oral examination in defense of the thesis must submit the thesis to the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies no later than six months from the date of the examination. See Candidacy, Oral Examinations and Thesis. Time to Degree If your thesis defense has already been published and you need to add a zoom link to your abstract, please email gradenrollment@blogger.com and include the zoom link that will be used. Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies has suspended the requirement for public in-person thesis defenses is suspended for the rest of the Spring semester (through May 15) Step 2: Login to blogger.com Open blogger.com in your web browser. Select "Start your submission." Login with your Rice NetID and password. If you have already started a submission previously, select the action "Edit" or "Continue" to continue a previous submission. Otherwise, select "Start a new submission." Step 3: View your application
Thesis Format Guidelines | Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies | Rice University
Linnea Ng Fostering Belonging through a Brief Intervention Dissertation August 27, Time: AM — AM Zoom Defense. Meghan Davenport Reconsidering the role of error encouragement in error management training: Is self-regulation the key? Thesis July 22, Time: AM — PM Zoom Defense.
Allison Traylor The Antecedents and Effects of Teamwork Process Exclusion in Engineering Teams Dissertation July 9, Time: AM — PM Zoom Defense. Autumn Horne Investigating the relation between phonological working memory and speech production Thesis July 8, Time: AM — PM Zoom Defense. Ryan Brown Bereavement and Food: An investigation of postprandial immune responses Thesis June 28, Time: PM — PM Zoom Defense. Rachel Zahn The Role of Phonological Working Memory in Narrative Production: Evidence from Chronic Aphasia Thesis April 30, Time: PM — PM Zoom Rice university phd thesis. Ivy Watson Are you responsible for confronting prejudice?
Amanda Woods The Rice university phd thesis of Trainer and Trainee Race on Diversity Training Outcomes: Are the Differences Black and White? Dissertation April 23, Time: AM — AM Zoom Defense. Denise Reyes Moving Up or Giving Up: How Professional Rejection Sensitivity Impacts Career Success Rice university phd thesis April 22, Time: AM — AM Zoom Defense. Shannon Cheng Co-Conspirators in the Fight for Racial Justice? Ian Robertson The Development and Initial Validation of the Trust in Self-Driving Vehicles Scale TSDV Dissertation April 9, Time: PM — PM Zoom Defense.
Jensine Paoletti Addressing the Social Support Paradox with rice university phd thesis Multidomain Complementary Fit of Desired and Perceived Support Dissertation April 9, Time: AM — PM Zoom Defense. Shivam Pandey Buzz Buzz: Haptic Cuing of Road Conditions in Autonomous Cars for Drivers Engaged in Secondary Tasks Dissertation April 7, Time: AM — PM Zoom Defense.
Xianni Wang Computational Modeling Reveals How Navigation Strategy and Ballot Layout Lead rice university phd thesis Voter Error Thesis August 28, Time: PM — PM Zoom Defense. Michelle Chen The Role of Childhood Maltreatment and Self-Regulatory Processes on Inflammation, Depressive Symptoms, and Grief Symptoms During Spousal Bereavement Thesis July 29, Time: AM — AM Zoom Defense. Julie Dinh Creating Space for Care: Enhancing Patient-Centered Performance Outcomes Through Organizational Change Dissertation July 7, Time: PM — PM Zoom Defense.
Brittany Bradford Examining STEM Formative Experiences and College STEM Outcomes from a Social Cognitive Career Theory Perspective Dissertation June 30, Time: PM — PM Zoom Defense. Brad Weaver A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of Takeover Performance during Conditionally Automated Driving Thesis June 17, Time: AM — AM Zoom Defense.
Sarah Irons Phonetic Correlates of Sublexical Contributions to Reading Aloud Familiar Words Thesis June 5, Time: AM — AM Zoom Defense. Michelle Kim Perceived Work Environment, rice university phd thesis, Job Characteristics, Job-related Mental Health: Across the Working Lifespan in a Year Longitudinal Study Dissertation June 1, Time: PM — PM Zoom Defense.
Abby Corrington Perceptions of Team Contributions for Men and Women Dissertation April 30, Time: PM rice university phd thesis PM Zoom Defense. Isabel Bilotta The Role of Fairness Perceptions in Patient and Employee Health: A Multi-Level Multi-Source Investigation Thesis March 5, Time: PM — PM Location: Sewall Hall Jackie Torres A Lifespan Perspective on Proactive Socioemotional Behaviors and Work Attitudes and Performance Dissertation February 6, Time: AM — PM Location: Sewall Hall Anoushka Shahane Chromosomal, Lexical, rice university phd thesis, and Neurobiological Mechanisms of Cognitive Reappraisal rice university phd thesis How They Relate to Health Indicators Thesis August 23, Time: PM — PM Location: BRC Q, rice university phd thesis.
Shannon Cheng Examining the Social Identity of Being a Muslim in the American Workplace Thesis July 30, Time: Rice university phd thesis — AM Location: Sewall Hall.
Meiyuzi Gao Multi-Cultural Usability Assessment with System Usability Scale Dissertation June 3, Time: AM — PM Location: Duncan College. Rachel Trump-Steele Male Allies and Gender Equality: Exploring the Explanatory Mechanisms Dissertation May 15, Time: AM — AM Location: Sewall Hall.
Christine Nittrouer Allies as Intermediaries: Strategies that Promote Hiring People with Intellectual Disabilities Dissertation April 15, Time: PM — PM Location: Sewall Hall. Amanda Woods What Does it Take to Lead Change? A Qualitative Approach to Identifying Change Leader Functions and Competencies Thesis April 15, Time: PM — PM Location: Sewall Hall. Curtiss Chapman How do Word Frequencies and Semantic Diversity Affect Selection of Representations in Word Processing?
Dissertation April 4, Time: AM — PM Location: BRC Chelsea Rice university phd thesis Unobtrusive Real-Time Cognitive State Measurement for Human Performance Assessment in the Field Dissertation November 27, Time: AM — AM Location: Martell College. Michelle Kim Vocational Interest and Its Impact on College to Job Trajectory in a Year Longitudinal Study Thesis November 20, Time: AM — AM Location: Sewall Hall.
Jensine Paoletti Is it a Popularity Contest? Popularity and Diversity in Team Leadership Thesis November 6, Time: AM — AM Location: Sewall Hall. Qiuhai Yue Evaluating the Buffer vs. Embedded Processes Accounts of Verbal Short-Term Memory by Rice university phd thesis Multivariate Neuroimaging and Brain Stimulation Approaches Dissertation October 29, Time: PM — PM Location: BioScience Research Collaborative.
Ian Robertson Subjective Usability Evaluation: A Comparison of Four Methods Thesis July 5, Time: PM — PM Location: Sewall Hall. Colin Noe Measuring Top-Down Influence onto Sub-Lexical Speech Perception Thesis April 20, Time: AM — AM Location: BioScience Research Collaborative.
Shannon Marlow Conditions Promoting Psychological Safety in Self-Managed Teams Dissertation April 11, Time: PM — PM Location: Sewall Hall. Jackie Gilberto Old Dogs and New Tricks: How Ageism Affects Trainer Attitudes, Trainer Behaviors, and Training Characteristics Thesis April 6, Time: PM — PM Location: Sewall Hall. Abby Corrington A Multinational Examination of the Impact of Power Posing in a Negotiation Setting Thesis March 28, rice university phd thesis, Time: AM — AM Location: Sewall Hall.
Alda Rivas Can Retrieval Practice Reduce the Associative Deficit? Dissertation March 21, Time: PM — PM Location: Sewall Hall. Julie Dinh Cultural Competency in Healthcare Providers: A Qualitative Investigation Thesis March 21, Time: AM — AM Location: Sewall Hall. Yingxue Tian The Domain-Specificity of Serial Order Short-Term Memory Thesis March 20, Time: PM — PM Location: BioScience Research Collaborative.
Amy Shaw The Effects of Time and Material Constraints on Creativity Thesis November 21, Time: AM - AM Location: Sewall Hall. Meiyuzi Gao Measuring the Usability of Home Healthcare Devices Thesis May 18, Time: AM — PM Location: Sewall Hall.
Stephanie Zajac Diversity in Design Teams: A Ground Theory Approach Thesis April 18, rice university phd thesis, Time: PM — PM Location: Sewall Hall. Rice university phd thesis Lacerenza Leader Emergence in Self-Managed Teams as Explained by Surface- and Deep-Level Leader Traits Thesis April 18, Time: PM — PM Location: Sewall Hall. Carlos Moreno A Longitudinal Study: Promoting First-Generation Latino Success through Parental Pro-Educational Interventions Thesis December 16, Time: pmpm Location: Sewall Hall.
Carmen Young Age and Training: A Meta-analysis Examining Training Features Thesis December 16, Time: pmpm Location: Sewall Hall.
Wendy Jackeline Torres Course Participation, Performance, and Completion of Adult Learners in a Massive Open Online Course MOOC : Trait Complexes, Interest, and Non-Ability Determinants Thesis November 17, Time: ampm Location: Sewall Hall. Heather Dial Sublexical, lexical and phonological short-term memory processes: Evaluating models of speech perception and short-term memory Thesis July 29, Time: ampm Location: BioScience Research Collaborative Rm Chair: Randi Martin Other committee members: Simon Fischer-Baum, Caleb Kemere.
Curtiss Chapman Rethinking the behavioral patterns that dissociate semantic dementia and comprehension-impaired stroke aphasia Thesis July 7, Time: pmpm Location: Sewall Hall Chair: Randi Martin Other committee members: Simon Fischer-Baum, James Pomerantz.
Tao Wei Naming "CAT" in the past affects naming "DOG" in the present: How and where semantic facilitation and interference occur Thesis June 20, Time: pmpm Location: Sewall Hall Rm Chair: Tatiana Schnur Other committee members: Randi Martin, Simon Fischer-Baum, Casey O'Callaghan. Julie Hughes The Cognitive and Neural Bases of Bilingual Word Selection Thesis June 17, Time: pmpm Location: BioScience Research Collaborative Rm Chair: Tatiana Schnur Other committee members: Randi Martin, Caleb Kemere, James Pomerantz.
Yu-Hsuan Chang It Takes More Than Practice and Experience to Become a Chess Master: Evidence from a Child Prodigy and from Adult Tournament Players Dissertation May 20, Time: pmpm Location: Sewall Hall Rm Chair: David M. Lane Other committee members: Margaret E. Beier, Arthur Gottschalk and Frederick L.
Debshila Basu Mallick Factors affecting rice university phd thesis speech perception as measured by the McGurk effect Dissertation March 31, Time: ampm Location: Sewall Hall Rm Thesis Director: Michael Beauchamp Chair: James L.
Dannemiller Other committee members: Margaret E, rice university phd thesis. Beier and Richard Grandy. Kamalika Ghosh Personality Traits, Prosocial Knowledge, Charismatic Leadership Behavior, and Clinical Performance of Indian Medical Students Master's Thesis January 14, Time: pmpm Location: Sewall Hall Rm Chair: Stephan J.
Motowidlo Rice university phd thesis committee members: Frederick L. Oswald and Margaret E. Rachel Trump Male Allies: Men Convince other Men that Gender Equity Matters Master's Thesis November 11, Time: pmpm Location: Sewall Hall Rm Chair: Mikki Hebl Other committee members: Frederick L. Oswald and David M. Christine Nittrouer Lacking a Voice: Bias against Women as Academic Speakers at Top Universities Master's Thesis October 15, Time: pmpm Location: Sewall Hall Rm Chair: Mikki Hebl Other committee members: Margaret E.
Beier and Frederick L. Christina Zimmer Virtual Teams: A Qualitative and Quantitative Review of Best Practices Dissertation August 27, Time: 1pm-3pm Location: Sewall Hall Rm Chair: Anton J. Villado Other committee members: Margaret E. Beier, Michelle R. Hebl, and Rick Wilson. Jason Randall Mind Wandering and Self-directed Learning: Testing the Efficacy of a Self-Regulation Intervention to Reduce Mind Wandering and Enhance Online Training Performance Dissertation July 21, Time: 10am - 12pm Location: Sewall Hall Rm Chair: Anton J.
Beier, Erik Dane, and Michelle R, rice university phd thesis. Kimberley Orsten False Pop Out Dissertation May 1, Time: 12pm - 2pm Location: Sewall Hall Rm Chair: James Pomerantz Other committee members: James L. Dannemiller, Richard Grandy, and David M. Ting Xiao Reasoning, Fast and Slow: Investigating Cognitive Abilities, Speed and Effects of Personality Traits Master's Thesis April 17, Time: am - 12pm Location: Sewall Hall Rm Chair: Fred Oswald Other committee members: Margaret E.
Beier and Anton J. Jingyi Geng Role of features and categories in the organization of object knowledge Dissertation April 17, Time: 9am - 12pm Location: Sewall Hall Rm Chair: Tatiana Schnur Other committee members: Randi C.
Martin, Simon Fisher-Baum, and Rice university phd thesis Cox. Alda Rivas Do older adults benefit from effortful retrieval? Master's Thesis April 16, Time: 3pm - pm Location: Sewall Hall Rm Chair: Jessica Logan Other committee members: Margaret E. Beier and Simon Fisher-Baum. Carmen Young The Effects of Structure and Metacognitive Prompts on Learning Outcomes in Training Environments Master's Thesis February 10, Timepm Location: Sewall Hall Rm G Chair: Margaret Beier Other committee members: Michelle Hebl and Anton J.
Nicole Howie The Generalizability of Cognitive Modeling Parameters for Older Adults Master's Thesis January 7, Chair: Michael Byrne Other committee members: Philip T, rice university phd thesis.
Kortum, Marcia O'Malley, and Jessica M. Clayton Stanley Comparing vector-based and ACT-R memory models using large-scale datasets: User-customized hashtag and tag prediction on Twitter and StackOverflow Dissertation November 13, Chair: Michael Byrne Other committee members: Philip T.
Kortum and Devika Subramanian. Jeffrey Zemla Factors Influencing Speed-Accuracy Tradeoffs in Decision Making Dissertation September 25, Chair: Michael Byrne Other committee members: Tatiana T, rice university phd thesis.
Schnur, Richard Batsell, and Philip T. Jisoo Ock Why do raters pursue different rating goals? The role of rater personality and accountability context Dissertation September 2, Chair: Frederick L. Oswald Other committee members: Margaret E. Beier, Anton J.
Harsha Vora - Rice University 90 Second Thesis Competition
, time: 1:29Thesis Submission | Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies | Rice University

Graduate Study. at Rice University. Located on a acre tree-lined campus in Houston, Rice University is widely known as one of America's leading research universities. We pursue pathbreaking research and create innovative collaboration opportunities that further our understanding and contribute to the betterment of our world PhD and DMA students must defend their theses before the end of the 16th semester of their enrollment at Rice. Time to Thesis Submission. Candidates who successfully pass the oral examination in defense of the thesis must submit the thesis to the Office of Graduate and Postdoctoral Studies no later than six months from the date of the examination. See Candidacy, Oral Examinations and Thesis. Time to Degree Step 2: Login to blogger.com Open blogger.com in your web browser. Select "Start your submission." Login with your Rice NetID and password. If you have already started a submission previously, select the action "Edit" or "Continue" to continue a previous submission. Otherwise, select "Start a new submission." Step 3: View your application
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