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Academic writing reference list

Academic writing reference list

academic writing reference list

When your professors or instructors say you need to give reference to some work that you used in your paper, it means that you should indicate where you got the work or information from. There are a variety of ways to write references such as APA style, MLA style, and Chicago style. Your professors or instructors will want you to use one of these styles to write references at the end of your paper All the sources that you use in the main body of your text must be listed at the end of your essay; this is called a reference list or bibliography. The sources in the reference list must follow a specific word order and have correct blogger.comted Reading Time: 5 mins The reference list entry looks like the entry for a print copy of the article. (This format differs from APA 6 guidelines that recommended including the URL of a journal's homepage when the Author: Paul Lai

Successful Academic Writing: Academic writing home

Reference list entries contain specific publication information, allowing readers to find the publication. The information is presented in a standard format, including order of information, use of italics and parentheses, and other markers to help distinguish between different parts of the reference entry.

APA style entries follow this basic format:. Publication date. Title of document, academic writing reference list. Publishing information. Electronic retrieval information. Start with each author's last name, followed by a comma and the first and middle initials or just the first initial if that is all that is provided. When creating a reference for a work with two group authors, use an ampersand, not a comma to separate them as you would with two individual authors.

List authors' names in the order in which they appear on the publication. The order of names often carries significance, so it is important not to change the order in your listing.

To be listed as first author for a publication usually means that person is the lead researcher on the project. American Psychological Association. Publication manual of the American Psychological Association 7th ed. Note that when multiple layers of government agencies are listed as authors in a work, use just the most specific author in the reference.

Department of Health and Human Services. Health and awareness. When creating a reference for a work with multiple authors, provide surnames and initials for up to 20 authors.

For sources with 21 or more authors, use ellipsis points after the name of the 19th author, followed by the final author's surname and initials.

Steyer, T. Curtis, F. When providing a reference entry to a whole edited collection, list the editors at the beginning of the entry and include the abbreviation Ed, academic writing reference list. for one editor or Eds. for two or more editors in parentheses after the names. For publications with no publication date noted, use the letters n. within the parentheses to indicate no date. The most common type of resource with no date is a webpage.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, academic writing reference list. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease COPD. Newspapers and popular magazines are easier to find with the month or day of publication rather than a volume and issue number. For periodicals such as a weekly news magazine like Time or a daily newspaper like The New York Timesinclude the month or month and day.

Hubbard, A. New York to be 21st state to OK Medical Marijuana. Los Angeles Times. For republished texts, use the date from the republished version you read. At the very end of the reference list entry, include a note in parentheses with the original publication date.

Piaget, J. The psychology of the child. Basic Books. For in-text citations of these republished texts, include both dates with a slash separating them, listing the original publication date first and then the date of the republished version you read. Include the title of the document that you are referencing. Depending on the type of resource, you may have to include more than one title for an article and the journal, for instance.

Do not add quotation marks around titles unless part of the original title. Simpson, A. Normal compassion: A framework for compassionate decision making. Journal of Business Ethics4— For articles, you should generally provide the volume, issue number if availableand page numbers for the publishing information, academic writing reference list. Italicize the volume number and use an en dash between the page numbers. For examples and more information, see the Common Reference List Examples page.

Burgess, R. Rethinking global health: Frameworks of power. World Health Organization. International statistical classification of diseases and related health problems 11th ed. Provide the digital object identifier DOI number for articles and books that have them. For articles and books without DOI numbers retrieved from common academic research databases, there is no need to provide any additional electronic retrieval information the reference list entry looks like the entry for a print copy of the source.

For articles and books without DOI number retrieved on the open web, include the URL. Please see the Quick Guide to Electronic Resources for more guidance on how to format DOI numbers, URLs, and other electronically accessed information. Didn't find what academic writing reference list need? Search our website or email us, academic writing reference list. Read our website accessibility and accommodation statement.

Walden University Academic Guides Writing Center Reference List Overview. Reference List: Overview. Print Page Report a broken link. Overview Basics of Reference List Entries Author Publication Date Title of Document Publishing Information Academic writing reference list Retrieval Information Methods to the Madness Video Playlist Related Resources Knowledge Check: Reference List Overview Webpage Feedback Common Reference List Examples Common Military Reference List Examples Common Reference List Examples Videos Multiple Sources With the Same Author and Year Electronic Source References Online Journal Articles Webpages Institutional Report Blog Post Using Citation Management Software.

Basics of Reference Academic writing reference list Entries Reference list entries contain specific publication information, allowing readers to find the publication. APA style entries follow this basic format: Academic writing reference list. Only list sources you cite in your text. Do not include sources you read but did not cite. The reference list should come after the text of your paper but before any tables, figures, or appendices. The reference list appears on its own page, with the title References at the top, centered and in bold type.

As with the rest of the paper, reference entries should be double spaced. Use one space after the punctuation within each reference e. See APA 7, Section academic writing reference list All references have a hanging indent, which academic writing reference list the first academic writing reference list is flush left, and all subsequent lines are indented ½ inch to the right.

Learn how to create a hanging indent under the "General Document Formatting" section at the Academic Skills Center. References appear in alphabetical order by surname of the author.

If there is more than one source with the academic writing reference list author, then those references appear in chronological order, earliest source first. Author Start with each author's last name, followed by a comma and the first and middle initials or just the first academic writing reference list if that is all that is provided. Severino, C. Graves, S. For corporate authors—companies, institutions, and other types of collective authors—simply list the corporate name.

Corporate authors are common in technical reports and other institutional documents that represent the work of a whole organization. Bodhran, A. Lai, P. Publication Date For most publications, include just the year in parentheses. html Newspapers and popular magazines are easier to find with the month or day of publication rather than a volume and issue number. html For republished texts, use the date from the republished version you read. Title of Document Include the title of the document that you are referencing.

Article and chapter titles follow sentence-case capitalization in regular font style. Also capitalize the first word in a subtitle following a colon, academic writing reference list. Provide the periodical title exactly as shown on the cited work e.

Abbreviate only if the official title has an abbreviation e. Italicize journal titles and use title-case capitalization. Italicize book titles and use sentence-case capitalization. Italicize webpages and websites and use sentence-case capitalization. For books in multiple editions, include edition information in parentheses after the book title: 5th ed.

For ebooks, academic writing reference list, the format, platform, or device is not included in the reference. Note that this guideline is a change from APA 6, which academic writing reference list including this information in brackets. Publishing Information For Articles For articles, you should generally provide the volume, issue number if availableand page numbers for the publishing information.

Citation and Referencing for beginners

, time: 6:45

Reference List - APA (7th Edition) Referencing Guide - Library Guides at James Cook University

academic writing reference list

Your reference list should appear at the end of your paper. It provides the information necessary for a reader to locate and retrieve any source you cite in the body of the paper. Each source you cite in the paper must appear in your reference list; likewise, each entry Mar 02,  · To cite reviews in blogger.comg. List the author of the review, last name first, followed by a period, followed by the date of publication enclosed in parenthese and followed by a period. Next list the title of the review, if applicable The reference list entry looks like the entry for a print copy of the article. (This format differs from APA 6 guidelines that recommended including the URL of a journal's homepage when the Author: Paul Lai

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